You are now visiting one of the most sacred and important aspect of our ministry, our prayer room. The importance of this place lies in the fact that you can talk to God from here. You must free up your mind, open it up to God and be ready to reveal your wants and need to him. Believe that you are in his presence, you must show utmost respect as you communicate with God through this prayer center.
To put your mind in a spiritual state of being by turning off your radio, TV, or any form other form of distraction. Keep your mind those who you expect to help answer your prayers, preferably members from the kingdom or kingdoms to which you belong, and on your goals. Then clasp your hands and kneel before God.
Take a deep breath before silently invoking the spirit of God in you by saying solemnly: I need you Lord. Come into my heart and stay with me as I traverse life's road. Accompany me Lord.
Repeat Psalms 23, about God’s mighty power, his glory, his willingness to work with you, knowledge, mercy ad his goodness to you. Whisper a few words to yourself about your gratefulness to God for life, for your family, friends, the system and its leaders in silent prayer.
How To Pray
Prayers should be implemented by design, towards praising God for his goodness to us, towards showing through words, the extent to which you respect God, before you ask for what you need from Him. All prayers should begin with a sincere salutation of honor and praise to God. Moreover, your mind should be filled with a sincerity and love that emanates out of your thankfulness for life, and other things that you could not have given to yourself, without the aid of others. Take a deep breath. Smile and be in a joyful, humble and a thankful mood, as you condition your mind to be in the presence of the Holy One. Then in happiness and humility, begin to pray.
The Bible’s Master prayer is a good example here.
You may start to pray with the salutation - Our Father, or Our God, or our Father in heaven. Blessed be your most Holy name. The Son of God could also be saluted as God. So can his holy Spirit. Note the three in One.
After you have saluted God in the most humble and honorable manner, continue to talk to him as you would talk to a friend. Before you began to pray, you should have known what you wanted to tell God, or ask of him. Tell Him of your current state of being in relation to your potential request. Tell Him who you are and then your need.
You may, for example, say: My God, I place my needs before you this day, because I know that you can help. Spell out what such needs are, or those of the people for whom you are praying, no matter how simple or difficult they may seem.
What is your disability or deficiency; what is, or are the problems by which you are troubled. Is it finance, unhappiness, poverty, anxiety over something or someone! Lay them out in your mind, even on paper, so that you will not forget what you should ask for when you go before God. Remember you can write and then read your prayers to God. He would understand. Are you praying for someone, or for somewhere, if so, before you begin to pray, know the name of the person or place for whom you will be praying. Then in solemnity, respect and love, talk to God.
Before Jesus Christ walked the earth over two thousand years ago, the world had become a place in which humans were affected by sickness, poverty, selfishness and many of the other social problems by which today’s world is plagued. This has clearly been illustrated in the four gospels in which the life of Christ has been illustrated in the King James version of the bible. The world was informed, however that Jesus would come to earth to save people from their sins.
Christ's work on earth was enshrouded in constant attempts to remove humans from poverty, sickness, disillusionment, dispossession an other sins. Evidently, since mans removal from such social diseases was what Christ was preoccupied with. Such elements were the sins from which he came to save mankind. Indeed, the primary method that he believed should be used to keep us fro such sins is his kingdom building method. Prayer must be anchored in kingdom unity, which Christ illustrated through the Lord's prayer.
The implementation of prayer by the Church is indeed special to all of its members. By engaging its members in prayer for one another the church is reinforcing its affinity with such individuals. It is showing the oneness that the church, as a kingdom, should implement with its supporters. Such prayers, however, should be designed to show unity and support of the church for such members, especially through the answering of their prayers. They should be designed to help members to understand the importance of kingdom building to their development. All members of churches must be aware that the burden of answering one another’s prayers rest squarely on their shoulders.
It becomes necessary, therefore, that those who are assigned to implement prayer in the churches be aware of the foregoing concept of participating in prayers and the church’s implementation of that element. As a unitary force in the community, the church cannot grow without its members, and must, through prayer, promote love, which would ultimately result in the deliverance of the church, its members, the community in which the church exist, the nation and the world.
Qualification for Membership:
All members of such a council must be legitimate members of RCWM in good standing, who believe in its concept of deliverance as the way by which they could be saved. They must be members who willingly give themselves to assist church as it helps in the answering of the prayers of its members and others, and to that end, lend themselves as God’s tools through which the needs of the church’s members could be met through the answering of their prayers.
The prayer committee, must be chaired, or managed, by a member who is a qualified elder or deacon of the church. The role of such an individual is to coordinate the rest of the members of the council on behalf of the church, towards ensuring that the prayers of the members of the church are effectively answered. All members of the prayer council, must be devout Christians who are dedicated to implementing the church and its teachings. the service of the church. They must either be deacons and or elders of the church. Each council member must be given the type of training by which that person could successfully participate in the church’s prayer program. Specifically, council members must be trained to listen to the prayers of church members, especially in relation to the urgency and sincerity of such elements. He or she must be able to write such prayers towards presenting such elements to those who are responsible for the answering of such prayers.
The council then reviews the prayer of members and makes recommendation to the leadership of the church by which such prayers could be answered. Indeed, in the church, answers that are given to prayers should accord with the needs of the implementers the prayers and the availability of the means by which such answers could be implemented. It is here that kingdom building becomes necessary. Resources by which prayers could be answered is a function of the extent to which the kingdom to which the implementer of the prayer contained such resources by which such prayers could be answered. It is the duty of every human kingdom to ready itself prepare for the answering of the prayers of its members. Because humans display a huge variety of needs, they must constantly strive to fill the kingdoms to which such entities belong with resources by which such need could be met, through prayer.
The dynamics of a prayer council is illustrated in the following internal organization chart that may be appended to the overall chart of a church organization:
I have previously suggested that every organization that humans create towards their deliverance, including churches, should see itself as a sub-kingdom of God’s kingdom. The rational here, is that God can use family members, brothers, sisters, church members, all humans who are parts of organizations, as instruments by which he would answer our prayers. This implies an obligation on the parts of churches to help their members with the answering of their prayers.
There are those who complain that the church’s focus in relation to humans, should be on spiritual things alone, and should leave the quality of lives of their members to worldly economists. Nothing is wrong with this. But should the church pass this valuable burden to the very woody entities that may see God input into human deliverance as being insignificant? The church that ignore this task, may find itself being criticized as money grabbers from their members. It will find its prosperity being justifiably scrutinized by its members and being compared to their quality of life.
Should the church as an organization grow, while its members remain in poverty? If the answer to this question is no, which it ought to be, the church must be part of the answering of the prayers of its member, and supporters. To implement this, it will find that it has no choice but to implement a method by which it could play this crucial role. It is important to suggest that this model should strictly be in accordance to the law of the land that govern the manner in which churches could help people.
Such a method must be designed in a manner by which it could be made aware of the problems that its members face on a day to day basis. How can churches promote the implementation of prayer in this manner? No church possesses the capacity to know about the need that their congregations are affected without knowledge about such element. On the merits of this, the church must implement a process by which it could learn about such needs. One of such processes is creation of a prayer council.
Prayers, indeed, that are implemented without deep commitments to ensuring that such prayers are heard and answered, are wasted prayers. Wish above all things that we prosper and be in good health, the bible says. The following prayers have been designed to meet human needs. Feel free to use them in relation to your personal and other needs. Such prayers, which begins with "prayers for help from God," are important prayers that can be made to God on behalf of the self and others:
Lord I come before you today in humility to ask you to help me as I try to achieve my goals in life. But before asking I thank you for all that you have done for me, especially for keeping me alive to see this day. I asked you lord, to take me and show me how to partner with you and you guide my path. Show me how to help my self Lord. Teach me what to do. Give me the courage and the strength that I need to do your will. Give me strength. Restore in me the confidence the will and the power to implement the capacities that you have give me. Speak to the hearts of those who are able to open the way for me to walk in your way. Inform them of my willingness to act. show me those who should work with me. In Jesus' holy name. Amen.
Children are the most precious gems that God has given to mankind. They are designed as miniature duplicates of their parents, to fill our hearts with joy, even when w are saddened by life’s problems. They are always ready to smile at us, towards filling our hearts with happiness. We are saddened when we loose them and because to that, do all within our powers to ensure that they are protected at all times.
As humans, we are all born as children and grow to be what we ultimately become. Because of this, we are obligated to love them, to care for them, to work towards satisfying their needs, towards the real purpose why we they are given to us.
As God’s precious gifts to heir parents, their families, their communities and to our world, children must be cherished, loved and be prepared by their guardians in the best manner possible for their emancipation into self reliance. Parents are God’s custodians of children, his representatives of the little ones. Parents are their role models, guides their advisors and supporters. Before this becomes reality, children must not be left to the world.
At an early age, children must be informed of the realities of this very complex world. They must be mentored into the realities of their environments, which includes their homes, schools, churches and the world. They must be thought how to be responsible, and that that they should be grateful to God and to others for the things that they acquire throughout their young days.
Parents are responsible for teaching their Children that the world is a need-based place, in which people depend on one another. Children must be thought to share, to ask, especially God, to pray to him for the things they need and to thank him and others for things given to them. “Train up a child in the way he should go, the bible says, when he is old, he would not depart from it.” The bible says. Guardians must show their children what they must do to become self reliant, positive and strong. They must be informed about the role that God plays in their transition from the times of their births until they die.
Let your children know the importance of being loved by God, and honoring him in and out of prayer. Teach them the art of respecting God and that they must continuously talk to him through for whatever they need. Let them know the important affinity that exist between you, their guardians and their other supporters with God, that you and such entities are God’s bridges to them.
Let the children know the God’s answering of their prayers must be done through someone else, or through them, and that prayer becomes impossible to be answered without such entities.
The following are prayers that children may use in their conversation with God about their gratefulness to him, and about telling him of their needs. It is important that parents read these prayers on behalf of their children.
Many children, for a variety of reasons, may not get along with their dads or their moms. Others, because of family differences, may be unable to share the happiness that fathers can bestow on children with their fathers. For such children, this is one of the most terrible situation in which they could find themselves. For to children, the family is the greatest kingdoms that God has placed on this earth. It is to that entity that such entities, in their fragility look for support.
It is through relations with their family that children develop self esteem, self reliance, confidence and the other attributes through which such entities could navigate their communities and other worlds. The Children, families are like Gods. They love such entities and must be seen as actors in that direction, regardless of their languages of behavior.
In God’s eyes, the family is an honorable estate that must be held together through love, which each of its participants must willingly bestow on one another. In this vicious world in which we live, the need for families to unite in love cannot be overstated. It is always better for the two parents of a child to grow accompany that child, as he or she grows in the world, instead of one of such entities. Indeed, the breakup of families, may emanate from sinful behavior, lack of love, on the part of those who are responsible for braking up such an entity, can be devastating to children. Many psychologists believe that t such an element could scar children for the rest of their lives.
Personal experience has though me that the break up of a home affects everyone in that entity, including both parents and the children who are parts of such a family.
Jesus has informed us, that a kingdom that is divided against itself, be that entity Satan’s kingdoms or otherwise, cannot stand. Children are salient parts of their family’s kingdom. They must be thought to maintain a special affinity with that entity, and must be encouraged to do so by their actions. For there can be no children without fathers and mothers. It is important that children see the roles that their dads and their mothers play as builders of the family’s kingdom. If dads are managers, they must see them as such, and respect them as such. Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land, the bible says.
There are parents who use their children to blackmail other parents, because such parents are unaware of the strong feelings that such other parents have for such children. This is wrong. It becomes the basis for dividing the family’s kingdom. Let the child, through their own interactions with their parents, prove the dislike of such parents for such a child. Indeed, the love that parents have for their children should be unconditional. The parents of the child should only complement it.
Parents, be patient with your children. Cherish them. Show confidence, care, trust and belief in them. Love them. Remember they are God's gems and are given to you to guide them until they can help themselves. With the aid of their mothers, or other guardians, the child who wishes to show love for his dad may say the following simple prayer:
The Child prays for Dad or Mom.
Oh father God, I come to you knowing that you can help; asking your help that I could build a better relationship with my mom and dad. I love them dearly Lord, but somehow we can’t seem to get along. Speak to their hearts. Help them to realize how much I care for them.
Give me the courage Lord to forgive them, to trust them, to confide in them to show them love, to show them that I care. Completely bless my mother and father Lord, in the Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
Hello God! Can you hear me? How are you Lord? I am --- years old, and come before you to give you praise. For you, according to my parents, God are my Heavenly Father, my guide and can help fulfill my needs. I bless your Holy Name dear God. I ask you for help in this my time of need to pray for my beloved daddy who is ill.
Only you Father know the pain he daddy feels. I ask you to bless him, heal him of his wounds, his illness, Lord. Please heal his heart dear Lord and give him strength that he may manifest his love for you, his children, and his family. Lord Jesus give him confidence, power and cleanse him with your holy spirit. In Jesus’ most Holy Name—Amen.
After saying any prayer to God, take a deep breath and think of what you can do to help the subject of the prayer. Then make your contribution to the answering of that entity.
One of the ways that we can show others how they care for such entities, is through prayer. Because of this, family prayer sessions are essential to the growth of such familiar. Indeed, mother’s and fathers are crucial to the development of families. It is to them that children look for their sustenance. In fact, the whole answering of family prayers, through God, is highly dependent on the mother and the father of homes. They are the ultimate producers of the foods that heir children eat, the clothes they wear and other amenities by which they live. Because of this it is essential that these two entities engage in prayers to God on behalf of one another and their children. For more prayers regarding children, visit More Prayers.
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